Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rita's Sewing Lessons

Rita getting the treadle machines ready for the class.

First day of class-seven women and one priest...

Learning how to conserve fabric by placing the pattern all the way to the edge. 
Some of the women have never held scissors before. 

Justine learns how to pin the pattern to the fabric.

Second day...13 women show up....  All are very enthusiastic. 
It is the first day of practicing how to use the machines.

More pattern cutting.  The women already have one customer for the reusable sanitary pads... 
Word travels fast!

The youngest participant, a four day old baby. 

Today 17 women showed up.  It was only supposed to be 10.  Rita is very busy and loving every minute of it.  These women are getting incredible training.

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