Sunday, September 4, 2011

Off we go!

Here we go!  Our flight to leaves Denver International Airport at 9:20 am tomorrow morning.  Rita Grover, Fr. Dennis and Jill Garrou, and I will arrive in Entebbe on Tuesday at 10:15 in the evening.  Our airport shuttle will take us to Sunset Motel in Entebbe and the next day we will be on our way to Makondo.  Everyone is excited to be on our way.  We packed about 30 blankets, various first aid supplies and solar calculators donated through Arron Harm's Eagle Scout project.  We are also lugging two electric sewing machines and tons of fabric for Rita's sewing training workshops.  Twenty women are already signed up for the workshops which will start next Monday, Sept. 12.

We are also going with green wristbands in support of Peter Srsich, the son of Tom Srsich who is a member of our board of directors.  We will keep Peter in our prayers and ask our friends in Uganda to wear the wristbands in Peter's honor as they keep him in their prayers.

We will keep this blog updated as best we can, so please check in often!

Blessings and keep us in your prayers.

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