Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ready, set, go!

After months of preparation, Monday, March 15, is just around the corner.  Suitcases are packed, loaded down with soccer jerseys, cleats, and balls; baseball equipment; school supplies; gifts for students and teachers; eyeglasses and charts; workshop materials for Michele Homburger and Jill Garrou; and art supplies for Lorene and Gabby Joos.  Hard to imagine we are ready to go!  Monday will  mark my 5th trip to Uganda since 2004 and this year's trip promises to be the most exciting.  My husband, Al, and my son, Luke, are travelling with me for the first time.  They will get to experience first hand what Into Your Hands has been doing in the Makondo area for the past four years.   What am I looking forward to the most?  Finally dedicating the new boys' dormitory, breaking ground on the Rotary International funded water project, and sharing my passion with my husband and son.  Can't wait to see all my friends at St. Denis and the sisters at the Medical Missionary of Mary compound!

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